Apparently unsatisfied with random fiction as a diversion from the usual blogorama,
I've even strayed into the realm of hectoring lecturing, expounding on essentially uninteresting
subjects in only marginally less uninteresting ways. This stuff is strictly for the
masochistically inclined, but if you're looking for someone to describe the term structure
of interest rates while making you feel slightly dirty for wanting to know, well, feast your
eyes on this.
Derivatives 101
Everything you ever wanted to know about financial instruments and less, presented through the medium of barely-contained loathing.
Derivatives 101: 1
Derivatives 101: 2
Derivatives 101: 3
Derivatives 101: 4
Derivatives 101: 5
Derivatives 101: 6
Derivatives 101: 7
Derivatives 101: 8
Derivatives 101: 9
Derivatives 101: 10
Derivatives 101: 2
Derivatives 101: 3
Derivatives 101: 4
Derivatives 101: 5
Derivatives 101: 6
Derivatives 101: 7
Derivatives 101: 8
Derivatives 101: 9
Derivatives 101: 10