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October 27, 2003

Special Effects

Had some really weird, vivid dreams last night; probably as a result of eating and drinking far too much at my sister's birthday dinner.

I can't remember all that much about the content of these dreams, although one of them involved a chase through a kind of urban forest searching for my sister under the influence of some imaginary hallucinogenics; and another finished up with a strange battle against ocean waves across the heads of a harbour in the company of, among other people, the owner of this website, about whom I know very little except that he's a friend of Matt's and presumably doesn't live on a rocky tropical harbour assailed by gigantic heaving waves.

All this and much more no doubt seemed to make some kind of sense at the time, as is usually the way, but the overwhelming impression with which I was left each of the three or four times I woke up was that these particular dreams had the best special effects I've ever seen. Really. Especially when the collision of waves turned into a sort of roiling pipe emptying the whole harbour onto the opposite shore. The dancing cartoon fireflies were pretty cool too.

This is not how my dreams normally are. At least, I don't think so. I usually wake up a bit bemused, sometimes relieved, occasionally terrified. Once or twice, aching with a grief so intense it feels like I will be crying for the rest of my life; those ones are pretty tough. But impressed by the special effects? What's that about?

In other news, my little sister is now 34. Worse still, a friend's son, whose birth I remember, is now 17. How the hell did that happen?

And on Saturday "Max" (not to be confused with Max) stayed over. We played a lot of Soul Calibur II, among other things. And it occurs to me that he would have been about 5 years old when I came out.


On the plus side, the whole rent boy thing never quite happened, and now looks unlikely to.
Posted by matt at October 27, 2003 03:21 PM


Woooh! You having dreams about Wabson (the name of his site, he also gets called it in real life, disconcertingly) is a little scary. Kinda funny though...

Posted by: Matt at October 27, 2003 07:27 PM

*Nobody* is to be confused with Max.

AIM's not letting .mac members log in.

Posted by: Max at October 27, 2003 09:38 PM

Oh, and Happy Birthday D!

Posted by: Stairs at October 28, 2003 08:46 AM

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