September 05, 2004

Indian Summer

A couple of shirtless hours in the park yesterday left me with an embarrassingly lobstered back, but it was nice all the same. Hanging out enjoying the late flowering summer probably doesn't count as much to write home about, I know. If I'd been flying to the moon, or somesuch, that would be more worthy of discussion, but we have to work with the material at hand. Not even that, actually, since various events this weekend were too miserable to record; let us try to accentuate the positive.

The sunshine was very welcome, especially at this point in the year, and a lot of people were there taking advantage. Naturally there was plenty of eye-candy. I read a bit and listened to music and watched the world go by; had a pleasant, if solitary, time.

A week is the utmost any person of taste could be expected to linger in such a dull country. A week is more than enough!

Later, I did some pruning on the balcony. Later still, saw Hellboy, which was a bit of a dog. It was a hot night in the city, which is always good, but it wasn't a good night, all in all.

Today I was roused relatively early, by Sunday standards, to do an exercise class with Ian. After lunch I finally got it together to ride Carnesky's Ghost Train, which was entertaining but a little slight for a single-purpose outing. I recommend combining it with some other activity in the neighbourhood; in my case that took the form of a long and mostly-aimless walk around the city in, once again, the sun; properly blocked, this time. Another solitary episode.

I appear to be getting back in touch with my essential loneliness. Not that it ever really went away. I don't know whether this is good or bad, but it feels somehow appropriate -- right and proper -- deserved.

I have this unhappiness
To wear around my neck
It's a pretty piece of jewellery
To show what I protect.

Tomorrow is forecast to be hotter and brighter. Of course, I shall spend nearly all of it indoors. On the plus side, swinging recommences.
Posted by matt at September 5, 2004 11:09 PM


Oh hi. Since my passport now says that I am British until mid-2007, I am now allowed to complain about the weather as much as y'all do. (Oh, I should stop saying Y'all due to my Britishness.) Anyway, this 85-degree Fahrenheit mess is awful, and I cannot wait until it is 0-degrees again, be it Fahrenheit or Celsius. Thank you.

Posted by: mezack at September 6, 2004 11:17 AM

Just a quick note to further praise your website for its courageous honesty.

It takes courage to elevate a blog beyond the BLT (bright, light and trite) formula. Courage which some of us lack, but which you seem to have in spades.

Please carry on.

Posted by: Eurodan at September 6, 2004 11:40 AM

[Dan] Thanks. I don't think courage has much to do with it, but it's generous of you to characterize my wallowing that way.

[Zack] Them's fightin' words, varmint.

Posted by: matt at September 6, 2004 06:30 PM

Anyone who quotes (alters?) lyrics from Eurythmic's SAVAGE album is my kind of blogger! Have enjoyed your site for a while now, from across the drink over here in NYC... but with those four lines, I am now a veritable Wide Eyed Girl in your blog presence. Brilliant.

Posted by: tim at September 7, 2004 07:26 PM

Thanks. This was the second such quote in a week, but the first -- a verse from I Need You -- got stuck in draft mode. I shouldn't think that post will see the light of day now.

I've loved that album since it came out -- more years than I care to recall just now. It's so perfect; so bitter and twisted.

Listening to it tends not to be a good sign for my state of mind, though.

Posted by: matt at September 7, 2004 11:58 PM

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