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December 05, 2003

Filler 12

Another day, another drink.

In order:

Rewrote the proxy servlet that manages connections for a product we will probably not be distributing this way after all, through a company we will probably not continue doing business with after all. Which is a good thing, since they are a bunch of useless timewasting morons, but will mean the whole deployment will be done in a completely different way, and the servlet is toast. Ach, whatever. The whole story will doubtless change tomorrow.

Had a long telephone conversation with the company that manages the network connectivity at the office, trying to get them to deal with the fact that their port-forwarding configuration for our router doesn't work, and I can't access the CVS repository from outside. After a lot of pissing around, they conceded that it isn't working. "Let me consult with some of the other people here and I'll get back to you." Did they fuck as like.

Had a discussion with the game designer about her plan for the implementation of some new feature, which would have required substantial changes throughout her enormous scriptbase. Proposed an alternative that requires much less work. Downside: all that work has to be done by me. Tomorrow I'll update and rebuild the toolchain. At last I have a purpose in life.

Said designer's birthday coincided with our new host company's "getting to know you" welcome party for their new parasitic invaders (we share office space). For fuck's sake. Still, there was wine. Result: early evening drunkenness.

Relocated to a nearby pub to ply said designer with more alcohol, to distract her from the fact of being another year older and still stuck in a dead end job working on products she despises. In the course of which had to try to argue the pros of those products -- which I also despise -- to one of the sceptical bods from our hosts, a -- for fuck's sake -- PR company. Result: mid evening drunkenness.

Left to attend the private view of an exhibition of award-winning photos by Ian's sister's boyfriend, some of which really are extremely beautiful. There was, needless to say, wine. There were also Sam, Toby, Ollie and Tilly -- the godfamily in law -- who were, I have to concede, entertaining. Random passersby mistook me for Ollie's father -- when I am sat next to Toby, everyone seems to assume that I -- stop smirking at the back -- to assume that I am the straight one. For fuck's sake. Result: late evening drunkenness.

I predict that tomorrow -- uh, today -- will not be the most productive day of my life...
Posted by matt at December 5, 2003 12:36 AM


For fuck's sake.

Posted by: Faustus, M.D. at December 5, 2003 04:26 AM

And then some.

Posted by: matt at December 7, 2003 03:30 AM

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