September 21, 2005

Filler 37

Okay. Arguably that last one doesn't really meet the minimum standards of randomness required by its title, but I never promised to be consistent -- just the opposite, really. I like it, so there. Maybe I'll reclassify it later if & when I migrate these things to the stories page; more likely not.

It has been a busy week. Sunday was my mother's 60th birthday, and I was charged with organising the celebration, and the major gift, so the weekend was a tad hysterical, but it all worked out pretty well in the end. The party was well-attended and very nice, albeit massively over-catered -- a family tradition, possibly genetic.

Not entirely by coincidence, my father is over from Australia, visiting everyone but especially his grandson (who, in case I haven't mentioned it before, now has a name, several in fact: Samson Aurelius Peter Caldwell Ford -- I refer you to my previous comment about genetically over-catering). There was another get-together this evening (feasting on the everlasting leftovers), and he's coming to the theatre with us tomorrow night, which is all very nice.

Little Sam, by the way, remains entirely adorable. He has powerful lungs (though seldom puts them to use when in Uncle Matt's arms; what can I say, I'm just a natural source of "comfort, security and love") and amazingly strong legs -- if his balance was slightly better he could stand up straight already. An Olympic trampolinist in the making, I say :)

Work, on the other hand, has been almost unremitting hell, a stream of worthless, misdirected, high-stress bullshit, technological screw-ups, confusion, frustration and grief. Often it's not like this, but right now I could happily stand by and watch deranged arsonists burn the fucking place to the ground. I know: I'll get over it.

Hey ho. More to come, random or otherwise, but in the meantime I'm off to watch Lost. Nighty-night.
Posted by matt at September 21, 2005 10:41 PM


I still vote for Baby Caldwell as the name. Also, please refrain from tossing your nephew through midair just because you think he is ready to be a trampoline champion.

Posted by: mezack at September 22, 2005 01:30 PM

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