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September 10, 2003

Filler 4

OK, so things have fallen off a bit since that lunatic flurry of activity (by other people) on Sunday. This is mainly because I have nothing to say; however, that's never stopped me before, so I figure I should make some kind of effort here. In very slight mitigation, I would point out that I did add a new photo album entry, which will presumably have escaped the notice of anyone not subscribed to the corresponding RSS feed, which is to say (at a rough estimate) everyone.

In an idle moment at work on Monday I composed a double dactyl to commemorate my poetic commentators, then decided not to post it as it might seem like an attempt to upstage them, which would obviously be very bad form. Inevitably, such well-intentioned reticence can't hold its own in the face of a blog entry as hopelessly bereft of content as this, so here it is. Apologies to all concerned, and especially to Stairs: at the time I thought I had some reason to believe your name was Alistair, but after a root around your site I clearly just imagined that; I've left it anyway, on the grounds that I needed the syllables, which I know is a piss-poor excuse.

Bummery Flummery
Max, Dan and Alistair
Took up a challenge I
Hadn't thought there;
Luckily all displayed
Talents with oodles of
Wit, style and flair.

Eek. How sycophantic is that?

Apropos Max's suggestion, I've spent some other idle work moments (there have been quite a few of those lately; I really am starting to despair of the whole "work" thing, but that's a post for another time) pondering the possibility of adding a live chat facility here. I still feel this would be an act of monumental uselessness -- the WalkyTalky chat moment has surely been and gone -- but then again, utility is no more the purpose of this site than honesty, so it's worth at least thinking about. In those idle work moments, say.

As it happens, the hosting package for this site comes with several chat room scripts, but they are so astonishingly ugly and provide so little scope for customization that I can't believe anyone ever uses them, and I'm certainly not about to. Which is a bit of a shame, since it would make life a lot easier; not so much in coding terms (a basic chat server isn't hard to write; as Joanne in Company says of marriage: I've done it three or four times) but in terms of staying on the right side of my hosting provider. Although it is possible to run a chatroom on a connectionless, client-pull, basis -- jChatBox seems to work that way, for example -- the thought of all that HTTP polling just offends my sensibilities as a programmer; a proper connection-based, dedicated server is so much more efficient, but for that I need to be able listen on a stable port and that strikes me as the sort of thing that most web hosting companies would frown on. So it's a dilemma.

The ideal solution would be if I could find detailed specs of the services they already have running and write my own, less ugly, client for them. Which I may try to do if things go on as they are at the office...

In the meantime, apparently the opticians/optometrists chatroom on Gaydar is the place to be. No, I'm as baffled by this as anyone.

Posted by matt at September 10, 2003 01:51 AM


You underestimate the number of subscribers to your gallery RSS feed by at least one.

I share your abhorrence for client-pull, web based chat. I've been asked to implement such systems a few times in the past and have always declined the work after unsuccessfully trying to persuade the ignorant bastards of the merits of doing it the "right" way.

Have you never noticed the raw animal passions that opticians and optometrists provoke in a man? Open your eyes, boy. Or go and get some glasses...

Posted by: Shyboy at September 10, 2003 10:02 AM

Well thanks for setting the challenge, even subconsciously!

I'm beginning to think that I feel more creative in the comments section of other people's blogs than when writing my own. I wonder what that says about me?

Perhaps it's like those people who shine on Channel 4 panel games and are then (briefly and tragically) given their own show. Anyone for Josie Lawrence?

I suppose some people are just better when reacting to or processing other people's impulses than 'making the first move' themselves. A bit like an interpreter or a translator, perhaps?

Posted by: Eurodan at September 10, 2003 10:15 PM

But come to think of it, maybe I should have written that as an entry on my blog. Damn!

Posted by: Eurodan at September 10, 2003 10:16 PM

With a trackback, I hope?

In all honesty, Dan, I think this "reactive" persona is a blog pose; you're always pretty proactive in real life.

In any case, feel free to treat WalkyTalky as an extension of your own blog whenever you want.

And Adam: surely accuracy to 8 or 9 significant figures is quite sufficient for "a rough estimate" :)

Posted by: matt at September 10, 2003 10:35 PM

When I die my collected writings will be dispersed across Usenet, bulletin boards and blog comments pages.

Posted by: Max at September 10, 2003 10:49 PM

Very modern-Bohemian; I like that, though not as much as I like your email address.

Matt, you did well to go with your gut, though tradition begs me to point out that my name is spelled in the more traditional Scots manner, Alastair. Some of my American friends call me 'Stairs', and as someone who has not had many nicknames at all - Allie aside - I tend to go with that if people really need to call me something else.

I got 'round to reading up on the rules of the double-dactyl; I didn't realise that it was quite so precisely defined, having missed it entirely..!

Posted by: Stairs at September 10, 2003 11:07 PM

[Max] In 2134 someone who has spent a lifetime diligently reconstructing your œuvre will champion you as an unrecognized genius of early 21st century literature; which I'm sure will be a great consolation :)

Hope you got through Monday's crisis ok. Let me know. I'll try to keep iChat up, but the office network is up and down like the Assyrian Empire at the moment. (Anyone else who feels like chatting, feel free also. AIM/iChat address is on the Where? page.)

[Stairs] Spelling noted. True, your verse, like all of Dan's and some of Max's, wasn't properly a double dactyl, but so what? Probably the better for it.

It's not exactly a well-known form, except maybe in the back pages of the New Statesman, and it's far from self-explanatory. Even on the MC servers, where it is something of a perennial, most people need it explained again each time.

Posted by: matt at September 11, 2003 12:05 AM

OK - so what am I missing? Why weren't any of my verses double dactyls? I thought I observed the metre and rhyming patterns exactly?

This is awful! The humiliation!

Posted by: Eurodan at September 11, 2003 01:10 AM

Moments later. Google consulted. Should have looked before, I suppose.

There should, of course, be a new acronym to complement RTFM: UFG, where the first and third words are 'use' and 'Google'.

Posted by: Eurodan at September 11, 2003 01:16 AM

I refer the honourable gentleman to my previous answer. In particular:

"so what? Probably the better for it."

Posted by: matt at September 11, 2003 01:21 AM

In, erm, memoriam.

Hiterlite schmiterlite
Frau Leni Riefenstahl
(Propagandographer --
'Nazi? Nicht ich!')
After the war was lost
Photo'd some Africans:

Posted by: Max at September 11, 2003 10:23 AM

Higgledy Piggledy
New Yorker Faustian
Enters the lists, although
Somewhat too late;
Hopes to conceal from Matt,
Ardor unseemly and
Longings--oh, wait.

Posted by: Faustus, M.D. at September 11, 2003 05:38 PM

Sorry, second line should have been "Faustus, philosopher,"

Hindsight being 20/20 and all.

Posted by: Faustus, M.D. at September 11, 2003 05:47 PM

Oh, maybe "New Yorker Faustian" was better, though less strictly within the constraints of a Double Dactyl. (Not that "Faustus, philosopher" was completely there either.)

You see how I spend my life?

Posted by: Faustus, M.D. at September 11, 2003 05:53 PM

I can think of worse ways :)

Posted by: matt at September 11, 2003 06:22 PM

Comments for this post are now closed, but feel free to email me if you have something interesting to say.