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December 31, 2003


The ice-skating rink in the courtyard at Somerset House has become a London Christmas institution in the few years it's been going. Each year I swear to go; each year I don't. Yesterday, courtesy of an old friend of the family, I finally did, and had a fucking great time.

This was my first time on ice skates for about 10 years (and that in turn was probably the first in 15), so there was something of the newborn giraffe in my efforts. Fortunately, most of the other skaters were even less proficient than me -- it's a fun, social event not an opportunity to show off -- so there was no sense of being a laughingstock. Being on the ice actually seemed marginally easier than the rollerblading I've tried a couple of times this year.

The rink closes on the 26th of January, and I fully intend to go again before then (no, really...), preferably for a late-evening session. If anyone wants to accompany me, let me know :)
Posted by matt at December 31, 2003 08:24 PM

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