April 22, 2004


I don't do memes. Memes are depressing: 100 things; friday five; which non-entity blogger are you? I already know I have nothing original or interesting to say, I don't need to be constantly reminded of it by being unable to convert boilerplate into excitement. Some people can do that; some people can't, but aren't harmed by it; personally, I risk a fatal brain hæmorrhage in the mere contemplation of meme-ing.

Obviously, I only bring this up because I'm now going to succumb to one. This one is no better or worse than any of the others, but a combination of exhaustion and alcohol has left me shamefully suggestible, so here we are. For the record, I caught it from planetCH.com.


Anyone reading this can ask me three questions in the comments, and I will undertake to answer them truthfully. Answers to be posted at some unspecified point in the future, but probably quite soon.

There go the last shreds of my self-respect.
Posted by matt at April 22, 2004 01:11 AM


I knew there was an upside to insmonia...

So. What's the biggest mistake you've ever made, and would you make it again?

Posted by: christophe at April 22, 2004 03:22 AM

3 questions? Hmm... I better make them good.
#1 What is your honest opinion of Americans in general?
#2 There is a song about your life. What are the first 5 verses?
#3 You are forced to have one word tattooed in black bold 5 inch letters across your forehead. What would that word be and why?

ok maybe they are not so good.

Posted by: ryan at April 22, 2004 07:22 PM

Number 2 is easy.

Come now, that must have made somebody smile? :)

Posted by: Stairs at April 22, 2004 10:15 PM

Yes, me :) But you didn't ask any questions. For those who did: please wait, answers are spawning.

Posted by: matt at April 22, 2004 11:16 PM

Comments for this post are now closed, but feel free to email me if you have something interesting to say.