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April 22, 2004

Loose Living

Let's see now...

I was at this party. Miles from anywhere. Very exclusive.

Everywhere was drama, romance and glitz. Mad passions. Dames with guns. Trés film noir.

Then I noticed... All the guests had these fixed smiles. And glazed eyes.

Suddenly I realised: I was completely surrounded -- by Scientologists!

Then I woke up. And things got much, much worse...
Posted by matt at April 22, 2004 11:59 AM


The joy of Scientology, eh?

I'm figuring the guy on the right has been taking helium rather than L Ron Hubbard's fiction, though.

Posted by: Dunx at April 22, 2004 09:31 PM

I have thought of becoming a scientologist. All of these terribly wealthy people are drawn to it and I thought that perhaps I would get some of their money if I were to become a bishop or whatever in the church of scientology. But then I saw that film with Travolta and I tried reading something by L.Ron Hubbard and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Plan B is to start attending Alcoholic's Anonymous meetings in Hollywood in the hope of meeting someone really wealthy and glomming on to them. There's plan C of course but that just involves getting back to work and ignoring Plans A & B. I don't want to face that plan on a Friday afternoon.

Posted by: Ed at April 23, 2004 07:06 PM

I did actually read some of Elron's books in my youth -- not Battlefield Earth, but the first few volumes of that interminable other saga that was published (and for all I know written) posthumously. (Someone gave them to me, I wouldn't have bought them myself.) They moved along at quite a lick in an authentic pulp manner, but what a load of drivel, quite unbelievably badly written.

The only book I can remember reading that ranks in the same league of slapdash rubbishness is Rock Star by Jackie Collins. It was all I could find at some point during our travels in India, having exhausted every other scrap of available fiction, so I figured I'd give it a go. Jesus, what a piece of crap. Really, much worse than you imagine. I would have been better off memorizing the the instructions on a box of malaria tablets and chanting them to myself over and over for entertainment.

Anyway, good luck with plan B.

Posted by: matt at April 23, 2004 08:15 PM

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