August 02, 2006

Big Four-Oh

Not mine, but even so. A pleasant day was had, although I'm not sure Ian is quite reconciled to it yet.

Oddly I feel not the least trepidation about my own, admittedly still the best part of a year off. For some reason -- probably not unconnected to the fact that I was in a generally depressed and fucked-up state quite independent of age -- 38 was the really bad one for me; at least, so it seems right now -- more news on that next May. For the moment, I am preparing to embark on a new adventure, and I feel just fine.

Perhaps even able, among other things, to keep Ian on an even keel over this little hurdle. Ageing may have its drawbacks but, as I am far too fond of saying, it certainly beats the alternative...
Posted by matt at August 2, 2006 07:53 PM


Glad you're handling it well. Thirty was head blow for me so I cant imagine *gasp* 40!

Posted by: ryan at August 9, 2006 10:32 PM

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