January 16, 2005
Celebrations 2
Tonight was a surrogate Christmas for some people who were out of the country for the real one; a very nice meal. During the course of it there was an announcement which I won't share for the time being, but a good one.Congratulations, meanwhile, to little Allie Stairs for surviving a whole quarter century despite many and varied attempts at self-destruction.
Congratulations as well to Dunx and Jen, on their prospective parenthood; the world may not need more children overall, but it certainly needs more raised by the good guys, and this will be one of them.
More hurrahs are due to Faustus, whose birthday a few days ago still leaves him a young whippersnapper in my eyes.
And -- heaven be praised -- I am shorn:
Of course, it's not all celebration in this corner of the woods. At one point today I was being told I must move out; the phrase "trial separation" was used. There is a good deal of pain and sorrow in my relationship at the moment; stemming more from me than I would wish. But bags are not being packed just yet.
Posted by matt at January 16, 2005 11:29 PM
I did not read the end of you post. I hope everything works out for you. Your a great guy. Posted by: Keith at January 17, 2005 08:27 PM
- being asked to leave or being left? wishing you what you would wish for yourself Posted by: charlie at January 18, 2005 03:35 PM